Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Where I've Been

Life has been pretty hectic this year so far, but things are starting to settle down. I've finally gotten back into regular drawing and so forth. I have several projects on the go right now, including Bone Realm. The projects that have been taking up most of my time right now are for local musicians, one being the stunning progressive rock band Marching Mind. Here's the album cover I painted for them:

I was happy, overall, with how this turned out, but I don't think I'll be doing any more oil paintings anytime soon. Yes, this is a real painting, on a 36"x36" canvas, with water-mixable oils. Some digital process was used later to correct for my poor photography, which is one of the reasons why I decided that this is something I don't want to do again. At least not until I have a huge mansion where I can hang all these giant paintings and thousands of dollars worth of photography equipment and lighting so that I can actually take proper photos of them. Until then, I think I'll just save up for a new Wacom and learn how to do the digital stuff better.

I should be drawing right now. I have some pretty intense projects going on right now that I'm really excited about. So I'm gonna go do that! Feel free to leave some comments.


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